LIGO Document D0902524-v2
- wire jig for making lower wire assemblies for HSTS
- D0902524-v2 (D0902524-v2_aLIGO_SUS_HSTS_LOWER WIRE JIG ASSY, HSTS.PDF, file is not accessible)
- Other Files:
- E-drawing of assembly (D0902524-v2_aLIGO_SUS_HSTS_LOWER WIRE JIG ASSY, HSTS.EASM, file is not accessible)
- Minor modifications based on results of first article testing
- LIGO-D0902540: Base Plate, Lower Wire Jig, HSTS
- LIGO-D0900563: Pin Support, Wire Jig
- LIGO-D0902539: Wire Clamp Block, Lower Wire Jig, HSTS
- LIGO-D980184: LOS Clamp, Long
- LIGO-D1000588: Wire Start Post, Lower Wire Jig, HSTS
- LIGO-D1000583: Wire Start Clamp, Top, HSTS
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