LIGO Document D0901500-v1

Flexure Rod Shim, Stage 0-1, aLIGO BSC ISI

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
Part of the Advanced LIGO redesign of the flexure rod attachments
BSC flexure rod shim mount
Notes and Changes:
Initial Release

Notes with vendor noting drawing corrections needed:
Hi Jared-
Yeah, it looks like the .978 measurement listed on the drawing was mistakenly taken off the fillet at the base of this flat area. You are correct in thinking the width of this should be .938, .469 from center.
Nice catch once again.

From: Jared Rowe []
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 4:11 PM

Howdy Stephany,

In sections A-6 and A-7 there are dimension call-outs for .978 width and .489 from center. I believe these are coming from the rads and not the wall. I believe the dimensions should read .938 width and .469 from center. Let me know what ya think.


Jared Rowe
CNC Programmer

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