LIGO Document C962778-x0

Report of Materials Analysis: Analysis of Three Liquid Samples for Nonvolatile Residue Content. Analysis of Nonvolatile Portion of "Mirachem from Scrubber" for Comparison to the Residues

Document #:
Document type:
C - Contractual or procurement
Other Versions:
09 Jul 2009, 11:52
Report of Materials Analysis: Analysis of Three Liquid Samples for Nonvolatile Residue Content. Analysis of Nonvolatile Portion of "Mirachem from Scrubber" for Comparison to the Residues
Files in Document:
CBI BT cleaning UHV
Notes and Changes:
revision -v1 is identical to -00
Rev C962778-00-B:
- Full document number: LIGO-C962778-00-B
- Author(s): Tim Lambert
- Document date: 1996-10-02
- Document received date: 1997-09-22
- Document entry date: 1997-05-20

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