LIGO Document C962252-x0

Technical Direction Memorandum (TDM) 96-019

Document #:
Document type:
C - Contractual or procurement
The document is comprised of tables of baffle locations at the LIGO Hanford site, which were provided to CBI Servies, Inc., in LIGO Technical Direction Memorandum LIGO−C962252−00−B, and which were used by them in installing the baffles into the LIGO Beam Tubes.

[Although this is a "C" (contractor) document, it does not have proprietary or sensitive data and can be made public.]

Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:

Migrated document information from the old DCC:
- Full document number: LIGO-C962252-00-B
- Author(s): Larry Jones
- Document date: 1996-10-29
- Document received date: 1997-01-06
- Document entry date: 1997-01-06

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