Sample release

This notebook serves as a basic introduction to loading and viewing data released in associaton with the publication titled Observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star–black hole coalescences.

The released data file can be read in using the PESummary or h5py libraries. For general instructions on how to manipulate the data file and/or read this data file with h5py, see the PESummary docs

First we import the key python modules

As part of this sample release, we are releasing the posterior samples generated from 22 different analyses. The samples for each analysis is stored in the data file. This data file can be read in using the 'pesummary' read function

The posterior samples can be extracted through the samples_dict property. These posterior samples are stored in a custom table structure

C01:Combined_PHM_high_spin analysis

'pesummary' allows for the user to easily make plots. As an example, we show the posterior distribution for 'mass_2_source' plotted as a KDE.

We may also easily generate a spin disk, showing the most probable direction of the spin vectors

Corner plots are very useful for spotting degeneracies between parameters. A corner plot can easily be generated using 'pesummary'

Comparing multiple analyses

As the 'pesummary' file is able to store multiple analyses in a single file, we are able to easily generate a comparison plot showing the posterior distribution for 'mass_2_source' for each analysis

A comparison histogram is not the only way to display this data. We may also generate a violin plot showing the posterior distribution for each analysis

'pesummary' also allows for the user to generate a triangle plot with ease

It is also useful to see how degeneracies between certain parameters change for different analysis. This can be investigated by generating a comparison corner plot

PSD data

The 'pesummary' file also stores the PSD that was used for each analysis. This can be extracted and plotted