#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRMI_LLO.kat # # FINESSE kat file for L1 PRMI PR gain simulations, including # apertures applied to the beam-splitter. Code for simulation results # summarised in LIGO-T1300954. # # Code includes locking of MICH and PRCL degrees of freedom. # # This FINESSE file uses mirror parameters and positions as measured for # the cold optics used in LLO. # Lengths are taken from E1200274. # # No IMC or PMMT, thin PRM. # # Mirror specs taken from https://nebula.ligo.caltech.edu/optics/ as of # 2013/08/23 # # Thermal lens in ITMs modelled as a thin lens in front of the AR surfaces # ITMs include non-thermal substrate lenses as calculated from measurements # reported in the polisher's reports found on the nebula page. # For investigation into L1 PR gain no thermal lenses are included (inf # focal length). # # Charlotte Bond, Paul Fulda 2013-09-20 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% FTblock Laser ########################################################################### # Laser l L0 1 0 n0 s lmod1 1 n0 n1 mod mod1 $f1 0.22 1 pm n1 n2 s lmod2 1 n2 n3 mod mod2 $f2 0.179 1 pm n3 nin # Input beam mode-matched to case with 50km lens in itm substrates (matched # to arm cavities) for LLO design case #gauss gparam L0 n0 1.3498243m 4.3433202 1.3619432m 4.5706208 ########################################################################### %%% FTend Laser %%% FTblock PR ########################################################################### # Distance to power recycling mirror s lin 1 nin nREFL # Power recycling mirror PRM-02 m PRM $R_PRM $T_PRM $phi_PRM nREFL nPRMb attr PRM Rc 11.009 # Distance between PRM and PR2 s lp1 16.6107 nPRMb nPR2a # PR2 PR2-02 bs1 PR2 243u 8.6u 0 -0.79 nPR2a nPR2b dump nPOP attr PR2 Rc -4.545 # Distance from PR2 to PR3 s lp2 16.1647 nPR2b nPR3a # PR3 PR3-03 bs1 PR3 5.3u 17u 0 0.615 nPR3a nPR3b dump dump attr PR3 Rc 36.027 # Distance from PR3 to BS s lp3 19.5381 nPR3b nHRBS_PR ########################################################################### %%% FTend PR %%% FTblock BS ########################################################################### # BS beamsplitter BS-02 ##------------------------------------------------------------ ## BS ## ^ ## to IMY | ## | ,'-. ## | + `. ## nYBS | ,' :' ## nPR3b | +i1 + ## ----------------> ,:._ i2 ,' ## from the PRC nPRBS + \ `-. + nXBS ## ,' i3\ ,' ---------------> ## + \ + to IMX ## ,' i4.' ## `._ .. ## `._ ,' |nSRBS ## - | ## |to the SRC ## | ## v ##------------------------------------------------------------ # BS BS-02 bs1 HRBS 0.5 8.6u $phi_BS 45 nHRBS_PR nHRBS_Y nHRBS_X nHRBS_SR s sHRBStoARBSX 0.0685 $nsilica nHRBS_X nARBSX_sub bs2 ARBSX 30u 1.7u $phi_ARBSX 29.1951 nARBSX_sub dump nARBSX_X dump s sHRBStoARBSSR 0.0684 $nsilica nHRBS_SR nARBSSR_sub bs2 ARBSSR 30u 1.7u $phi_ARBSSR -29.1951 nARBSSR_sub dump nARBSSR_SR dump ########################################################################### %%% FTend BS %%% FTblock SR ########################################################################### # Distance from BS to SR3 s ls3 19.3661 nARBSSR_SR nSR3a # SR3 SR3-01 bs1 SR3 5n 19.1n 0 0 nSR3a nSR3b dump dump attr SR3 Rc 35.97 # Distance from SR3 to SR2 s ls2 15.4435 nSR3b nSR2a # SR2 SR2-04 bs1 SR2 7.6n 10.8n 0 0 nSR2a nSR2b dump dump attr SR2 Rc -6.406 # Distance from SR2 to SRMHR s ls1 15.7566 nSR2b nSRMHRa # Signal recycling mirror SRM-08 m1 SRMHR $T_SRM $L_SRM $phi_SRM nSRMHRa nSRMHRb s SRMsub 0.0749 $nsilica nSRMHRb nSRMARa attr SRMHR Rc -5.667 m2 SRMAR 50n 0 $phi_SRM nSRMARa nSRMARb ########################################################################### %%% FTend SR %%% FTblock Yarm ########################################################################### # Using values from E1200274 s ly1 4.847 nHRBS_Y nCPYar1 # Y arm compensation plate CP-08 m2 CPYar1 48.9u 0.4u 0 nCPYar1 nCPYar1s s sCPY 0.1 $nsilica nCPYar1s nCPYar2s m2 CPYar2 30.5u 0.3u 0 nCPYar2s nCPYar2 s sCPYtoITMYar 0.02 nCPYar2 nITMYTLin # Y arm input mirror ITM-08 # Thermal lens lens ITMYTL $TL_f nITMYTLin nITMYTLtrans s ITMYTL_null 0 nITMYTLtrans nITMYconstL_in # Constant ITMY substrate lens lens ITMYconstL -82.4k nITMYconstL_in nITMYconstL_trans s ITMYTL_null2 0 nITMYconstL_trans nITMYar_in m2 ITMYar 250u 0 0 nITMYar_in nITMYs1 s lITMY 0.2 $nsilica nITMYs1 nITMYs2 m1 ITMY $T_ITMY $L_ITMY $phi_ITMY nITMYs2 nITMY2 attr ITMY Rc -1940.7 ########################################################################### %%% FTend Yarm %%% FTblock Xarm ########################################################################### # Now using length taken from E1200616 s lx1 4.829 nARBSX_X nCPXar1 # X arm compensation plate CP-06 (no values for AR reflection so using same as Yarm) m2 CPXar1 48.9u 4.3u 0 nCPXar1 nCPXar1s s sCPX 0.1 $nsilica nCPXar1s nCPXar2s m2 CPXar2 30.5u 4.8u 0 nCPXar2s nCPXar2 s sCPXtoITMXar 0.02 nCPXar2 nITMXTLin # X arm input mirror ITM-04 # Thermal lens lens ITMXTL $TL_f nITMXTLin nITMXTLtrans s ITMXtl_null 0 nITMXTLtrans nITMXconstL_in # Non-thermal ITM lens lens ITMXconstL 305k nITMXconstL_in nITMXconstL_trans s ITMXTL_null2 0 nITMXconstL_trans nITMXar_in m2 ITMXar 164u 0 0 nITMXar_in nITMXs1 s lITMX1 0.2 $nsilica nITMXs1 nITMXs2 m1 ITMX $T_ITMX $L_ITMX $phi_ITMX nITMXs2 nITMX2 # default Rc from nebula page attr ITMX Rc -1937.9 # Rcx for best mode-matching between two arms #attr ITMX Rc -1901.5 ########################################################################### %%% FTend Xarm %%% FTblock Reflectivities ########################################################################### const T_SRM 1 # Just power recycling for current investigation const L_SRM 0 const R_PRM 0.9689845 const T_PRM 0.031 const T_ITMX 0.0148 const L_ITMX 175u const T_ITMY 0.0148 const L_ITMY 265u ########################################################################### %%% FTend Reflectivities %%% FTblock Constants ########################################################################### const nsilica 1.44963098985906 const f1 9099471 const f2 45497355 const TL_f inf ########################################################################### %%% FTend Constants %%% FTblock Tunings ########################################################################### # IFO put on dark fringe const phi_SRM 90 # (for phase 2 version use these tunings below). IFO will be locked to # the dark fringe const phi_ITMX -2.4 const phi_ITMY 2.4 const phi_BS 0 const phi_ARBSX 0 const phi_ARBSSR 0 const phi_ETMX 0 const phi_ETMY 0 # (for phase 2 version use these tunings below) # Power recycling cavity will be locked const phi_PRM 92.5 ########################################################################### %%% FTend Tunings %%% FTblock HOMs ########################################################################### # Set PRY and PRX to use cavity eigenmodes for mode calculations cav cavPRX PRM nPRMb ITMX nITMXs2 cav cavPRY PRM nPRMb ITMY nITMYs2 maxtem 4 phase 2 # Beam-splitter apertures for front (HR) and back (AR) surfaces # Aperture HR side attr HRBS r_ap 0.185 # Aperture + offset AR side, X attr ARBSX r_ap 0.185 attr ARBSX x_off 0.0335 # Aperture + offset AR side, SR attr ARBSSR r_ap 0.185 attr ARBSSR x_off -0.0335 ########################################################################### %%% FTend HOMs %%% FTblock beamsizes ########################################################################### # Beam-sizes at BS /* bp wxBS x w nHRBS_Y bp wyBS y w nHRBS_Y */ ########################################################################### %%% FTend beamsizes %%% FTblock errsigs ########################################################################### # REFL and AS port I-phase # REFL port I phase tuned for PRCL, AS port I phase tuned for MICH # Error signals for locks pd1 REFL9I $f1 160 nREFL pd1 AS45I $f2 125 nSRMHRa* noplot REFL9I noplot AS45I ########################################################################### %%% FTend errsigs %%% FTblock locks ########################################################################### # Locks for MICH and PRCL degrees of freedom # PRCL lock set PRCLerr REFL9I re lock PRCLlock $PRCLerr 10 1u put* PRM phi $PRCLlock noplot PRCLlock # MICH lock set MICHerr AS45I re lock MICHlock $MICHerr -10 1u put* ITMX phi $MICHlock func negMICHlock=-$MICHlock put* ITMY phi $negMICHlock noplot negMICHlock noplot MICHlock ########################################################################### %%% FTend locks %%% FTblock ring_heater ########################################################################### # Ring heater effect # ITMX xaxis ITMX Rcx lin -1945 -1897 100 put ITMX Rcy $x1 /* # ITMY x2axis ITMY Rcx lin -1945 -1902 100 put ITMY Rcy $x2 */ ########################################################################### %%% FTend ring_heater %%% FTblock PRC_parameters ########################################################################### # Scan small range of PR3 Rc, causes large change in beam size at the BS /* xaxis PR3 Rcx lin 36 36.035 100 put PR3 Rcy $x1 */ ########################################################################### %%% FTend PRC_parameters %%% FTblock offcentre ########################################################################### # Vary point of incidence of beam on BS (offset from the centre of the # front face). /* variable x0 0 xaxis x0 phi lin -0.03 0.03 100 put* HRBS x_off $x1 put* ARBSX x_off $x1 put* ARBSSR x_off $x1 */ ########################################################################### %%% FTend offcentre %%% FTblock detection ########################################################################### # Detect reflected power, PRC gain, contrast defect pd PRgain nPRMb* pd Pxarm nHRBS_Y* noplot Pxarm set Px Pxarm re pd Pyarm nHRBS_X* noplot Pyarm set Py Pyarm re pd Pout nSRMHRa* noplot Pout set Pas Pout re func CD = $Pas/($Px +$Py + 0.000000001) pd Prefl nREFL yaxis lin abs ########################################################################### %%% FTend detection