Documentation prepared by Eric Thrane. Please direct inquiries to: eric.thrane@LIGO.ORG #################################################### 1.) What is this documentation? #################################################### This documentation is for the public data for "Directional limits on persistent gravitational waves using LIGO S5 science data." This paper, accepted for publication in PRL, is available on the LIGO DCC (#P1000031) and on the arxiv here: This documentation includes the data needed to make the plots in this paper. There are three figures in this paper, each with more than one plot: Fig1: six plots Fig2: two plots Fig3: three plots There are three matlab .mat files provided with this data release, one for each figure: fig1.mat fig2.mat fig3.mat We also provide data in asci text format. #################################################### 2.) What data is included in these mat files? #################################################### fig1.mat contains four variables: dec, ra, snr, ul. dec and ra are each 65160-element arrays that contain declination and right ascension respectively. snr and ul are structs containing the map values for the maps in Fig 1. They each have three elements: snr.a, snr.b, snr.c ul.a, ul.b, ul.c snr.a is the signal-to-noise ratio data for the map in the first column, snr.b is the signal-to-noise ratio data for the map in the second column, etc.. The ul struct contains analagous data for the upper limit maps (in the second row). The size of each one of these maps is 65160. The (ra,dec) value associated with each array is recorded by the ra, dec arrays. fig2.mat contains two variables: A, B. A.Cl_UL gives the left-hand upper limit values for Cl in Fig 2. The associated l-values go from 0 to 7. B.Cl_UL gives the right-hand upper limit values for Cl in Fig 2. The associated l-values go from 0 to 12. fig.3.mat contains four variables: gc, scox1, scox1_s4, sn Each variable is a struct, which contains sub-variables needed to plot the spectra in Fig. 3. The naming convention is gc = Galactic Center (middle plot) scox1 = Sco X-1 (left-hand plot red and blue) scox1_s4 = Sco X-1 S4 result (left-hand plot green and black) sn = SN1987A (right-hand plot) Each struct contains the following variables: ul, sig, f. ul is an array of upper limits and sig is an array of sigmas--both are a function of frequency. The associated frequency values are given in f. #################################################### 3.) What data is included in the asci text files? #################################################### There are twelve asci files, which contain information identical to the matlab files. There are six files for Fig 1--one for each panel: fig1a.dat fig1b.dat fig1c.dat fig1d.dat fig1e.dat fig1f.dat Each of these files has three columns, corresponding to R.A. DEC strain_power_upper_limit for panels a-b-c, and R.A. DEC SNR for panels d-e-f. There are two files for Fig2: fig2a.dat fig2b.dat Both of these files have two columns, corresponding to l Cl_upper_limit There are four files for Fig 3: (fig3a_s4.dat & fig3a_s5.dat) fig3b.dat fig3c.dat The first two files (a-b) provide data for the first panel. Files 3b and 3c are for the second and third panels respectively. Each of these figures has three columns: frequency sigma strain_upper_limit